Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their Families in Puerto Rico

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their Families in Puerto Rico
/ Vol 6-Nº 2 jul-dic 2023 /
Ninotchka Román-Hernández, a,* Walter Rodríguez-Irizarrya, b, Simón Carlo-Torresa, c and Rafael Oliveras-Rentas, a
Objective: The purpose of this study was to provide a broad description of the effects of social distancing in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disabilities (CAND) and their caregivers in Puerto Rico (PR). This was done by investigating (1) their sociodemographic characteristics; (2) changes in their daily life, education and mental health and (3) their caregiver’s attitudes towards distance education and the emergency-response measures implemented.
Method: A descriptive research study was conducted; 612 parents of CAND living in PR were surveyed from October 23rd, 2020 to June 7th, 2021. Seventy-four of the 78 municipalities of the Island were represented in the sample.
Results: Mostly working mothers (76.6%) of a child (Mage=10) with cognitive and/ or language disorders were represented. The most prevalent necessities found were related to therapies (73.9%) and recreation (63.6%). Virtual services were predominant during quarantine, and difficulties balancing work, household, parenting and caregiving were reported by parents. Findings suggest these families are struggling to adjust to distance education, and an increase in symptoms of anxiety and depression were reported in both CAND and caregivers.
Conclusion: Overall, results indicate that CAND and their caregivers are struggling to adjust to the changes brought by the pandemic; which is a cause for concern. It is recommended that governmental, private and nonprofit organizations should use these findings to support public policy and intervention programs to assist these families.
a School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico
b Inter American University of Puerto Rico, San Germán Campus, San Germán, Puerto Rico.
c Ponce Research Institute, Ponce Health Sciences University, Ponce, Puerto Rico
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